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AVATAX A.E. was established from experienced executives in the area of accounting and auditing. The company differentiated itself from other companies in the same sector, as the most important concern of AVATAX A.E. are the clients, who are considered as co-workers.
The relationships that are built, are based on mutual trust and close cooperation and are not just customer relationships. AVATAX A.E. identifies the specific needs of the companies, supports and advises them accordingly.
Every client is supported by a responsible staff member of AVATAX A.E. who is the connection between him and the company and who supports him in personal, always in close cooperation with highly qualified executives of the company who have many years of experience in this sector.
AVATAX A.E. is organized in a way that the high qualified executives are always informed about all services, so that it is secured that all answers and services given to the client have been checked by at least two executives.